
2011年4月28日 星期四

DE2-115 NiosII Lite by Qsys

To save the same steps, I use qsys to build a NiosII lite project for DE2-115. My other projects can base NiosII lite project, and add in other functions. The diagram of the NiosII lite is shown as follow.

The Qsys builder is freer than sopc builder. It could not create in quartus project, and can generate qsys`s synthesis file in selected path. The quartus project can find the qsys module when the quartus project adds in the *.qip that generated by qsys builder.

The qsys builder can show the example information of the port map that is shown as follow.

To add in *.qip file, the quartus project can find the generated synthesis file of the qsys builder.

After synthesizing and programing this project, the nios EDS can debug this project. In the compression file, I use a hello world program to verify this soc.

Download Link: Verification_SoC_Lite_v1.7z

